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Now it was time to learn how to use the new apparatus which was capable of quickly and qualitatively spinning a virtual reality for the homes of German families. It allowed Hitler to maintain constant contact with the Dalai Lama. In a letter from Aug. Further down in the letter, Hesse wrote: It seems as though the Third Reich built both a radio- and telebridge in Lhasa in However, no traces of the technology were found.

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For example, after examining the Wewelsburg Castle, U. This time, they were to be children. Himmler asked the leaders of the Third Reich to allow their children to be used for the experiment.

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He asked me to get several of my friends together and to bring them to his place for our first lesson. I thought of Helga Goebbels Who else? The portable cameras ensured long-distance communication, just like modern-day mobile phones. They received the gifts as prizes, although they took part in the experiment unknowingly. By helping to build the future of the TV industry, they hoped to advance the spiritual maturity of the people.

They wanted to reprogram the consciousness of the Germans and help build a new, virtual world full of fantasies, art, music, sports and family values. Keeping the masses absorbed in a virtual world seemed to be a surefire way of precluding the possibility of future wars.

The experiment was interrupted and failed. Today, the hypothesis has proven untrue. Читать русскую версию: Часть 2-я. The same algorithm works when plotting news stories, the line of material presentation is based on the same laws of drama. And we do not assume that modern news is not a product of journalistic activity.

Moreover, scientists have long come to the conclusion that in the modern media space the phenomenon of infotainment is actively dominates [5]. Д6; 7Ж. We reviewed the definitions of journalism by Ukrainian scientists, now we want to consider foreign determinations.

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We agree with this fact, this is the feature that distinguishes reality shows from news, but the principles of journalistic work with content and information are the same both for the news and for the reality show. In addition, if previously the news actually were a selection of facts, now they have trans- formed into a new form. Other reason why scholars are sceptical about considering the reality show as a kind of jour- nalism is that reality shows aim is to gain a large number of views.

Lasswell and C.

Reality shows and soap operas filmed at Hitler's request. Part 2

Mills — and proposed the following scheme of journalistic functions: Goyan, V. Lizanchuk, as well as the functional features of television, identified by V. Goian, which dis- tinguish the most important for the modern TV and radio broadcasting function: Apparently, the reality show features and functions duplicate journalistic ones such as in- forming, entertaining and social integration. Employees who are responsible for the content of the reality show are journalists, editors or chief editors.

They directly deal with all aspects of journal- istic activities that are described in this law. Д16Ж The creation of a reality show is an originating process, for the creation of this product a constant permanent generation of new and fresh ideas is required. Given that this content is shown on the leading TV channels at prime time, there are various services involved in monitor- ing this content for example, the National Expert Commission for the Protection of Public Mo- rality, the National Council of Ukraine for Television and Radio Broadcasting, etc.

In all descriptions of the search for specialists in the reality show, a specialist should be stress-resistant and prepared for excessive work schedules. Regarding staying on business trips and travelling, a large number of reality shows depict their episodes abroad "Love for survival", "Bachelor", "From Ladette to Lady", etc. Reality show workers are looking for heroes and information about them, information about some unknown occupations, hobbies or traditions by themselves.

Now we need to determine the place of reality shows in the mass communication system, based on the obtained results. We categorized a reality show based on its main characteristics: Therefore, we have got the following classification: However, with our further analysis of these products and features of a reality show, accord- ing to these characteristics, such television programs, as a demonstration of sports events or mu- sical concerts, can also be considered a reality show.

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Although, there are such gaming studio shows as "Love at a first glance", why this is not a reality show? In addition, we isolated a talk show in an independent phenome- non, it is based on its laws and algorithms, but according to the principles of shooting it is the same studio project, just not gaming. How to dissolve all these concepts in order to clearly under- stand what the reality show is? The answer we found in the scientific literature. TСОy are used synonymously, but we propose to divide these concepts.

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Reality show is a format of a television product, which is to observe the actions and emotions of real people in everyday life or in specially modelled situations, characterized by the perfor- mance of unusual for the participants actions and constant commenting on everything that hap- pens to them.

This category includes show competitions, makeovers, dating, talent shows and more.

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Studio and gaming projects are a separate category that includes the following TV product formats: Reality TV is a kind of television program that demonstrates non-played situations in which real people, whether ordinary citizens or politicians and celebrities, find themselves. It is clear that this event is a structured script, but artists and experts do not play this process, but they are living it: A striking illustration of this is the conflict between A. Danylko and the manager of the singer TAYANNA [19], when the criticism of the expert and the request to re-enable minus of the singer, the manager approached the scene and began screaming at the expert, distracting from work, and eventually A.

Danylko could not stand up and spooked up. Thus, the conditions are virtually artificial, the zone of interaction is limited the stage and place for the jury , but they live this situation in real life. Festivals, awards ceremony, sports events — all this falls into a separate category of broad- casting events. Thereby, structuring and classifying all these concepts can be as follows: Reality shows: We suggest categorizing by technical features studio, outgoing, mixed, show using content of the audience and by the thematic direction romantic, culinary, historical, dance, etc.

The situation is a character on a reality show that is Нам надо срочно записать тебя на прослушивание в реалити-шоу. She found love on a reality show after all. Может, после всего она наконец нашла любовь на реалити-шоу.

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Это далеко не самая странная вещь, которые случаются на реалити-шоу. Я отказалась от реалити-шоу, которое ему нравилось и добавила самолюбия Well, he was a chef on a reality cooking show a couple of seasons back. Он был шефом на кулинарном шоу пару сезонов назад.

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  • Reality shows and soap operas filmed at Hitler's request. Part 2?

Может, буду вести какое-нибудь реалити шоу. Потому, что у нас реалити-шоу? Что ж, если мы снимаем ролик для прослушивания, для реалити-шоу под названием. Another year on a reality TV show , dancing for the organ grinder? Еще один год в телевизионном реалити-шоу , плясать под эту шарманку? The Foundation had engaged actively in this anniversary year, starting with a symposium in Berlin, supporting a briefing for treaty bodies and special procedures, and a side event on a reality -check on right to development during this Working Group session.